The world according to Pinterest

Yes, I admit, I am a little addicted to pinterest and I really couldn’t tell you precisely why…but I saw a very suspect/intriguing/insulting/facinating/fun contest that Pinterest released – in which you may win a new digital SLR camera!

All you have to do is vote on the most beautiful country in the world.

Wow – how do they come up with this?

Apparently you can vote on Twitter or Pinterest for your opinion on this matter.

So – voting. You can’t really use a scientific measures to determine for a fact WHAT the most beautiful country is….so let the opinion of computer literate/social media literate be the law đŸ˜›

A few days ago, I checked, and I saw that the UK was in first place for most beautiful country in the world. The next day it was Turkey, then Italy, then India, then Latvia.

Canada, my home and native land, has steadily remained at and around #6. Go Canada!!!

Where would your most beautiful country vote go to?

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